
Pr.Bossa John and Wife
Lead Pastor
Founder and Vision Bearer | Blessing Centre Church Njeru

Blessing Centre Church Njeru is a non-denominational ministry believing in the Lead of the Holy Spirit with its main objective of restoring souls back to God. This ministry began in 2020 during COVID19 pandemic. The vision bearer and founder Pr. Bossa John having gone through levels of Theology at different Theological schools and being discipled and mentored by different senior pastors,ministering in different positions in church spiritually got a vision to start a prayer altar where people may intercede for their lives since it was a period of tragedy across the globe.

He felt it wise for people to repent their sins and come back to God that they can receive eternity. He started a prayer altar at his home and was joined by five more from different families who gathered and cried to the Lord day and night.As people came for the fellowship and the altar, Pr. John became to them a man of encouraging and wisdom words.

By the end of 2020, the fellowship had expanded. During fellowships and altars, God manifested Himself and there was healing, deliverance and blessings among the people. And in 2021, a church ministry was launched.

The pastor was spiritually directed by the Holy spirit in the book of Genesis 12.2… for the church name (Blessing Centre) and finally On the 18th of April,2021, Blessing Centre Church Njeru was launched. A church that began with seven (7) members in just three (3) years now has a congregation of 300+ members and it grows every day, glory be to the Lord. By the grace of God, we hope to restore more souls back to God through evangelism, discipleship and charitable works.

Our Vision.

Vision: Transformed people and prepared church for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Mission.

Mission: To restore souls back to God by serving God and man through the five-fold ministry and charitable works according to the plan and strategy of the Holy Spirit.

"And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15 NKJV

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Account Name | Namusisi Naume
Number | 0777528021


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Account Name | Namusisi Naume
Number | 0758739889
Merchant Code| 6290887


SWIFT CODE |DFCUUG Account Name | Blessing Centre Church Njeru
Account Number | 01460015174789

Meet Our Team.

Bossa John Lead Pastor

Kabanda faluku Jeremiah Church Administrator

Doreen Katusime Bossa Choir Director

Namusisi naume Church Treasurer

Mubiru Moses Leader of The Prayer Department

Mbasaire Ismael Church Elder

Lukwago Vicent Chairman Development and Construction Committee